The FoRB Roundtable Brussels-EU is a convenor of NGOs and individuals from any or no faith that work for freedom of religion or belief
Kishan Manocha
Co-Chair of the FoRB Roundtable Brussels-EU. Head, Tolerance and Non-Discrimination Department OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Eric Roux
Co-Chair of the FoRB Roundtable Brussels-EU. President, European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom. Global Council Trustee, United Religions Initiative.
Camelia Marin
Co-Chair of the FoRB Roundtable Brussels-EU. Deputy Director Soteria International
Thomas Schirrmacher
Chair Emeritus of the FoRB Roundtable Brussels-EU. President of the International Society for Human Rights. Secretary General, World Evangelical Alliance
Neva Sadikoglu-Novaky
Co-Chair emeritus of the FoRB Roundtable Brussels-EU. Former Secretary General, ECR group at the EU Committee of the Regions